Joe Trailman Recommends:
Gaiter Love

Thank you so much for the stellar service!! They’ve arrived and the fit is perfect :D
Riley S.
Olympia, WA
I love these gaiters! I run year-round in upstate NY, and have to run through snow, sleet and slush during our extended winters. One problem I’ve encountered is snow getting into my running shoes and down my ankles. At best this snow infiltration is uncomfortable, but in temperatures below zero (F), it becomes serious. I thought of using regular gaiters, but I run in minimalist-like shoes, and even my trail shoes do not have room in the sole for an instep strap that is commonly used on hiking gaiters. However, the velcro tabs used by the Joe Trailman gaiters are a simple and effective answer to attaching gaiters to minimalist shoes, and these gaiters work great at keeping snow out of my shoes. Michelle did have to add two extra velcro tabs to the sides of the gaiters to keep them in place, and once I added the matching velcro to my shoes the gaiters worked very well, even in knee-deep snow drifts of old crusty snow. Finally, warm feet on cold runs!
Pittsford, NY
Thanks, Michelle! These gaiters are awesome. I took them out for a 36-mile test run on the Pacific Crest Trail north of Belden, Ca. I had no issues with rocks or with the gaiters! I love the gaiters and use them all the time!
Live Oak, CA
Very happy with my gaiters. I used them for the “Man Against Horse” 50-mile race in Prescott, as well as on a R2R2R run/hike. Not once did i have to stop to get rid of small rocks or other stuff. I recommended them to several people that asked me about them in the canyon.
Phoenix, AZ
Thanks for making a product that made my trip into the wilderness a bit more comfortable.Your gaiters kept rocks and gravel out of my shoes while hiking through Paria Canyon and in and out of the Paria River. During the 5-day trip, my buddies had to stop two or three times a day to empty their shoes of excess material, and I did not. Gaiters are now a part of my "standard" backpacking equipment.
Tucson, AZ
I am so happy I found the new website and that you are continuing to make and sell this product! I have purchased a couple of pairs of these over the years. They last forever! People constantly ask me where I got them. I will continue to refer people to your site.
Hickory, NC
Your gaiters are my favorite piece of gear. They are well-made, yet simple and functional. I adapt all my running shoes as soon as I get them and curse myself if I happen to forget to bring my gaiters on a run or hike.They're also my favorite gift for family who are hikers and/or runners. Thanks for the keeping the JTG product going and for your kind customer service.
Prescott Valley, AZ
Love how light they are. Much better than any others on the market.
Sammamish, WA
They fit perfectly…It's a great product and I make it a point to brag about my gaiters when I'm out on the trails.
Bishop, CA
I love these gaiters. I will be singing your praises to runners!
Phoenix, AZ